Thank you for visiting our website!

Melrose Alliance Church has been serving the Melrose area since 1983.  We hold fast to the belief in the inerrant Word of God.  That means that our greatest desire is to "love God with all our heart" and to "love our neighbors as ourselves."  This, to our understanding, translates into a ministry that is a Christ-centered, servant orientated ministry.

In all our actions we strive to demonstrate true wisdom as defined in Scripture which "is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17).  This means that we never sacrifice pleasing God in order to please people, but as much as we can, we desire to serve others and be at peace with them (Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14).

We are a small church and therefore cannot offer all the programs and advantages of a large church.  But we do offer a ministry to all ages as well as a body of people who love and care for one another.  There is a real sense of belonging and acceptance among our people.

God has blessed us with a beautiful building in the center of the village.  He has blessed us with people who genuinely care about others. He has blessed us with people who pray for others effectively and faithfully. 

The only way to really know what we are like is to visit us and see first hand.  If you are considering relocating to our area or just want to visit, we would love to have you be our guest for Sunday School and morning worship.

We have a new pastor, and he is looking forward to meeting you!

We would be glad to pray for you.